Colleen Pearl
Title: Director of Accounting
In 2019, Colleen joined Silver Key as an accountant and has recently been promoted to the position of Director of Accounting. Her passion for information impelled her to pursue an MBA with a specialization in Accounting and a Masters in Accounting and Financial Management, fostering a lifelong journey of learning. Colleen’s expertise extends to meticulous tracking of grant and contract spending, oversight of accounts payable and cash management roles, and the adept handling of Board Financials. Additionally, she curates the monthly “Fun with Financials” emails for the leadership team, infusing a sense of enjoyment into financial matters.
Beyond her professional endeavors, Colleen’s house of chaos includes 2 rapidly growing kids, a niece, 2 dogs and the best husband around. She believes her love of research and numbers is the way to assist those in the trenches of helping others.