Seniors Share Meals and Fun at Silver Key Connections Café
Golden Circle is now Silver Key Connections Café at all 20 meal sites.
Is there anything better than sharing a meal with others? Since 2015, Silver Key has been providing social dining opportunities throughout the community for anyone age 60 and older. It’s a great way for seniors to remain independent, engaged and active. Today there are twenty Silver Key Connections Café sites offering hot, nutritious meals 5 days a week, previously known as Golden Circle.
Pat Ellis, President and CEO of Silver Key says “We wanted to better reflect the camaraderie of the dining experience and increase understanding of the role Silver Key plays in preparing and providing these donation based meals to improve the quality of life for older adults.” Healthy meals are freshly prepared and served daily by Silver Key staff and volunteers, under the direction of Silver Key’s executive chef and a registered dietician. The more than 1,000 area seniors served monthly enjoy the friendship and fun that sharing a meal provides.
This essential community service is partially funded by the Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments/Agency on Aging with support from other community partners, donors and volunteers.